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IBIT Mentoring Program

  • Title of the activity- IBIT Mentoring Program
  • Term in which it was completed- Spring 2022, May 7th specifically.
  • Sponsoring organization- IBIT
  • Details of the activity (e.g., where, when) Took place over the spring semester, required meetings with mentor (all of mine occurred in person), minimum of two meetings needed.
  • What you learned- The overall act of meeting with my mentor really helped me to get a better understanding of what can be expected in the MIS field and the different pathways that can follow. My mentor suggested various different courses and activities that could be completed over the summer to further myself professionally and gain a better understanding of what I will be doing in the future. Overall, the whole program really helped to develop me professionally and helped to prepare me for the future by allowing me to speak to someone who has experience in the field I will be going into.
  • How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals- Specifically, my mentor worked in cybersecurity which is a field that I hope to be working in the future. Many of the various aspects that he told me would be important are future courses and information that I will be learning. Gave a lot of information on how companies utilize data analytics, security, etc.
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