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The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

  1. What you learned – In the age of technology and ever-expanding digital world, cybersecurity issues consistently pop up and lead to devastating results for consumers, business, and everyday individuals. In this course I was able to get a quick run down of various ways that breaches occur such as ransomware, deepfakes, email compromises, and phishing links. As well as ways to reduce the effects of these kinds of threats or virtually eliminate them.
  2. Coursework relevance- Many of the courses that I have taken have some sort of aspect of web and cybersecurity in them and the importance is always highlighted in these courses. On top of this in the professional world cybersecurity threats will always be present and something that will need to be monitored. By learning these now, before being exposed to these in the real business world, I will be able to mitigate and hopefully implement some sort of mitigation to a future workplace and or business.
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