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Commercial IT Intern

  1. AstraZeneca Commercial IT Intern
  2. AstraZeneca is a global, science led, patient focused pharmaceutical company. AstraZeneca has office locations across the World in Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas. In the USA its primary offices are in Wilmington, DE and Gaithersburg, MD. I worked in the Commercial IT department in the Wilmington Delaware office. My internship was designed to be 4/5 days working closely with my manager and his Scrum team to complete Jira tickets as they were assigned. And 1/5 days working with the other Commercial IT Interns on a group project, where we formed our own Scrum team.
  3. This summer I completed many tasks learning AWS (data engineering services), PowerApps, Power Automate, SharePoint, Databricks, Power BI, Python, Postman, SQL. I worked in an Agile environment throughout my internship. Working with my manager I was a part of the scrum team, and for my group project I was the Project Manager.

    A few projects I completed during my internship include Giace PowerApp, CreateCluster PowerApp and Deploying serverless Lambda functions. Giace PowerApp enables users to publish data to facilitate field reps within marketing purposes. This app was created with Microsoft’s Power Platform utilizing PowerApps, SharePoint and PowerAutomate to help field reps automate the process of uploading data. It enhances User Experience by allowing field reps to use a simple UI rather than having to update the physical Databricks notebook. The notebook is called utilizing a REST API through the app, and the data is published from there. The CreateCluster PowerApp was also built utilizing Microsoft’s Power Platform. This app automated the process that many developers faced. In order have a cluster created, the developer would need to reach out to an Admin by email to ask them to create a cluster for them. The CreateCluster App automates this process by asking users for specific details about the cluster they would like to create. After the app is submitted, an Admin would get a quick notification in Teams, which allows them to approve/ reject the cluster creation. Upon approval, the cluster will automatically be created for the user. Within AWS I created a utility to allow users to upload files to AWS using AWS Lambda, SNS, and S3 buckets.

  4. I learned a vast amount from my time at AstraZeneca, ranging from networking to app development. Working in an Agile environment over the 12-week period gave me real time examples of what my past MIS classes have modeled. Many things I have learned in MIS 2101, 2402, and 2502 have given me a foundation to excel during my internship. Being exposed to Agile like environment with group collaboration during my classes, helped me prepare for internship. In Data and Analytics (MIS 2502), the foundation of SQL I had learned gave me an advantage when I started my internship. Utilizing Jupiter Notebooks to run SQL throughout MIS 2502 also made me feel comfortable running Databricks notebooks. The web development in JavaScript I learned from MIS 2402 (Web Application Development) helped me to work on the PowerApps UI I developed. The background from business classes helped me stay focused and think about the customers’ needs.

    My internship at AstraZeneca prepared me for my future MIS classes as well. MIS 3535 is all about working in Agile and learning Project Management skills. I have prior knowledge of both topics heading into MIS 3535. Throughout my internship I created several REST APIs which gives me a platform to expand throughout future MIS 3502, 3506 and 4596 courses.

    I had several opportunities to learn and build my network from this experience. AstraZeneca offered many opportunities to network amongst fellow interns as well as people within and outside of Commercial IT. I was given the pleasure to meet the Chief Digital Officer & CIO, Cindy Hoots during my internship. I also had the opportunity to expand my knowledge about Cloud Computing by attending the AWS summit in New York City. In conclusion, I had a very positive experience and learned a lot throughout my Commercial IT internship at AstraZeneca.

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