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I love travel and I love to meet new people.

In July 2010, I was 16. I went to a remote country in China as a volunteering teacher with other 22 people who just knew each other two months ago. We spent two hours on flights, three days in the train, and five hours bus to the small county. It was a beautiful basin with mountains surrounded. Our main goals were providing new teaching method and leadership series course, assisting school raised funds, and recording students’ family structure scenario.

We spent two weeks there. Although, most people there lived under the poverty line, I have learned a lot from those junior high school kids. I still remembered one student said “I do not need a lot. I only need enough. When we have more than enough, we shared with other people.” Their shining smile,  their satisfaction, and their hard-working still stick in my mind.


Student pictureVolunteers with students









Also, in order to meet more people from everywhere. I and my roommate lease one of the bedroom in the apartment on Airbnb. Here is the link and you can see reviews from our previous customers.


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