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Internship Experience- TaiwanTravelMap Inc.

I was interning as a project associate in TaiwanTravelMap Inc. during May 22nd, 2017 to Aug. 4th, 2017. It is an online travel agency, who aims to provid hotel room booking system and integrate hotel booking system and global distribution system.

My job duties included:

1. Schedule and coordinate telephone conferences, interviews, and meetings with 28 vendors, including travel arrangements and expense reports.
2. Organize resources, meetings, and participant scheduling and prepare meeting materials with project managers and vendors.
3. Develop and manage project documents and disseminate meeting minutes for 40+ meetings.
4. Collect technical requirements for application installation from 28 vendors.
5. Manage projects from design and development to production on time in budget.
6. Coordinate and engage in departmental meetings and committees.

From the internship experience, I matched what I’ve learned from MIS3535- Management Information System, which was learning to be an IT project manager. My primary job was to schedule meeting with vendors to gain firsthand feedback about our system and provide feedback to engineers to improve our system. Since I led this project by my own under limited supervision, I had more room to practice what I’ve learned from the class. For example, some vendors did not deem our interview as an important improvement process (lack of urgency). Therefore, I needed to engage them by showing them future benefits from participate in this interview. Also, I had difficulties collecting information due to the wrong collecting methods. At first, I designed questionnaire-like questions to collect data. After few meetings with vendors, I figured that user experiences were diverse. It was impossible for me and the company to improve the system by reviewing structure answers, I needed more in-depth explanation instead. Thus, after I saw this flaw and modified the whole structure again, I started to collect useful information.

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