AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
For my MIS 3406, Cloud Architecture course, we utilized AWS Academy’s Cloud Foundations course. Concepts included advantages, economics and billing of the cloud. I learned about the AWS Global Infrastructure, regarding availability zones and regions. Not only did I become familiar with AWS Services, but also got practice using them by creating a Lambda function and launching an EC2 instance. The course covered Cloud Security, from configuring security groups to IAM.
I enjoyed learned about creating VPCs and launching Web Servers. My favorite however was learning about AWS Lambda, and utilizing this service in the course itself through a semester-long project creating a prototype, Cloud-Native toll calculator for the Pennsylvania turnpike. AWS Services are comprehensive in that they also provide storage with S3. This course, and corresponding course of MIS 3406 was just the beginning of what has inspired me to pursue cloud computing as a specialty in the IT industry.
Click here to view my AWS Academy graduate certificate for this course.