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This Year
150 Points
1153 Points
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  • MIS 2101 – Information Systems Organizations, Professor Courtney Minich
    • Throughout this course I learned how digital products come to life and the role they play in the business world. Most importantly, this was the course that had me switch my major to MIS.
  • MIS 2502 –  Data and Analytics, Professor Xi Wu
    • I enjoyed learning about different analytics software to navigate various databases.
  • MIS 2402 – Web Application Development, Professor Laurel Miller
    • MIS 2402 strengthened my coding skills in JavaScript. Additionally, I learned how HTML and CSS are incorporated as well.
  • ECON 1901 – Honors Macroeconomics Principles
    • Learning about inflation and unemployment in this course answered a lot of my lifelong curiosities. I also enjoyed researching the firearm market in the United States from an economic perspective for a final paper.
  • ECON 1902 – Honors Microeconomics Principles
    • This course taught me how critical human interaction plays a role in the laws of supply and demand. Most importantly, I have a better understanding of opportunity cost which has equipped me for better decision-making in life, especially in regards to the resource of time.
  • STAT 1102 – Quantitative Methods for Business II
    • I appreciated the way this course integrated learning how to use Excel alongside the curriculum. A substantial amount of stress has been saved from myself due to this skill.
  • STAT 2103 – Statistical Business Analytics
    • With the stronger foundation in Excel, this course allowed me to practice the new skill with real-world problems. Concepts such as probability and forecasting have proven useful beyond this class.
  • ACCT 2901 – Honors Financial Accounting
    • The greatest takeaway from this course was how to interpret a company’s financial statements. This new skill empowered me to be a more critical thinker when it comes to dissecting how an organization operates their business.
  • HRM 1101 – Leadership & Organizational Management
    • I enjoyed taking HRM 1101 while completing my first year in ROTC because the curriculums were similar; both focused on leadership, teamwork, and effectively managing the workplace. Regardless of the field, the concepts taught in HRM 1101 are seen across the board.
  • BA 2101 – Professional Development Strategies
    • I liked how BA 2101 provided structure to and constant feedback to developing one’s resume–directly after high school I know I needed some direction. I also appreciated the skills taught regarding how to navigate interviews.
  • LGLS 1901 – Honors Legal Environment of Business
    • LGLS 1901 covered a range of the different types of law, however I think contract law has stuck with me the most because it is evident in life beyond the business world, such as the different unwritten contracts we create in society.

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