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Project Documentation

Initial Proposal

This portion of the project served as a meaningful way to understand which of our teammates would work on which areas of the project.  As the semester began, our team had a abundance of various opinions and directions we wanted to our application.  This phase allowed us to familiarize each other with individual personalities and decide what the best approach was going forward to attack our idea.  (Attached Here)

Elevator Pitch

The elevator pitch may have been one of the most beneficial pieces of the Last Fan Standing group, simply for the fact of how complex our application can originally seem.  As our group worked on this pitch over and over again, we began to realize that in order to communicate exactly what we envision, we must master this particular area of our presentation.

Project Charter

This was the first deliverable throughout our project that forced our team to dive deeper into the details of what we wanted to accomplish.  This document helped us talk through the complexities that were soon to arise.  It helped us further assign responsibilities as well as understand what deliverables and high level questions would need to be addressed throughout the project life cycle.

Business Model Canvas

Our business model canvas is the best way to look over our mobile application from a high level.  This graphic will walk interested parties through 9 sections breaking down the logistics how our company will successfully run and how the idea itself will prove to be a sustainable one.

Status Report

Through the use of multiple status updates throughout the duration of our project, our group has been able to maintain a detailed task list that has allowed us to effectively communicate our progression with our mentor, in addition to keeping our group focused on our deliverables.

Solution Proposal

This short PowerPoint deck allowed our group to originally communicate a high level overview of our mobile application through a condensed slide deck.  It has served as a very direct way to establish an overview, our current status, and a simple way to explain how our business would succeed.



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