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Interesting Facts

I have lived in Pennsylvania for my entire life. My parents were living in an apartment when I was born and then we moved to the house we are currently in when I was 1 year old. Fun fact- our house has had solar panels for almost 10 years now!

Although I’ve always lived in PA, I grew up going to California a lot when I was younger because my grandparents retired out there. I used to go to Disneyland every summer.


My favorite things to do outside of school and work are going snowboarding, exploring new places, and taking pictures with friends!


I have a quarantine puppy named Willow. I love taking her on walks and hanging out on campus with her. She’s grown so much since I first got her!


The coolest thing I have done is take a road trip from Pennsylvania to California and back! My family did this in Summer 2018 right before I went to Temple. During this trip is when I learned to say my alphabet backwards! There are few things to do sitting in a car for hours on end. And here is some scenery from our trip!





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