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Work Experience


I worked at the fortune center of the China Everbright Bank in Fuzhou city in July of 2014. My position is assistant of Associate Financial Planner. One of my duties is that calling 187 people within business hours in order to confirm whether customers will attend future events. I learned how to have an efficient communication during each five to six seconds and the better time to call the customer. Another daily routine I did type, scan, copy and print documents, and check the knowledge brochure. I also worked in the lobby of a bank with creating new cards and signing the various forms.

For this spring semester, I am interning as Business Systems Analyst at TriMED HealthCare. The Business Systems Analyst Intern will perform a range of business system and administrative duties relating to analysis and maintenance of databases, recruitment of consumers and employees, and assistance with transaction processing and other operations for TriMED HealthCare, LLC.

My responsibilities are updating and processing at least seven recruitment databases, using Excel to analyze employee inventory and pre-Audit listings; identifying business processes and making recommendations for systems improvement; exploring and advising on automation of business cycle process; using system automation techniques for sales lead generation and reviewing and analyzing systems to automate time sheet filing and processing. Other roles including assisting with set up of broadcasted seminars, web communication and marketing, and automated community
relations activities and other business systems-related administrative duties, utilizing Webmail, Databases, Internet, Computer Programming.

I think the most challenging of the internship is adapting the work environment very quickly. I have to learn fast. Although everything is new for me, I still enjoy things during my internship. My coworkers have a different personality. So, I have to use different ways to connect with them.  Building the relationship with the coworkers could help me to work effectively in the beginning of the job .


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