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Hobbies and Interests

Hobbies and Interests



I have been an avid tennis fan for as long as I can remember. I always admired the amount of teamwork for doubles and technical skills that is needed for winning set after set. It is the perfect balance of offense and defense when players are serving and returning serves. I have played competitively up to high-school, but have since been in places or situations that didn’t allow myself the time to part-take in the sport personally. However, I still spend my time watching tennis avidly on ESPN to keep up with leagues.

Watching Football

Watching Football

I enjoy watching football! I been watching football ever since I was ten. My favorite team out of the entire National Football League would be the Philadelphia, Eagles. I enjoy watching football because I’ve always admired how the tactics and strategy’s coaches would employ would work on the field.

Web Design

Website Banner

This has been a new hobby of mine that I have taken up as of recently. However, I been learning and understanding how websites are developed. So far, I have gotten the basics of HTML down and have taken up using Adobe Dreamweaver to edit websites!




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