Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security

Academic and Experiences

Temple University – Fox School of Business

Temple Fox

I’ve recently graduated from Temple University with a BBA in Management Information Systems in August of 2016.  I am currently pursuing an MS in Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security following the Cyber Security track.

Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc.


I worked for Honeywell from August 2012 to December 2013, as an Inventory Administrator.  During this time I successfully taught and integrated the Marine Corps new supply support system, Global Combat Support System – Marine Corps (GCSS-MC), to Honeywell’s civilian support team in Afghanistan.  Through this experience I learned that staying ahead of technology and innovations will always give you a competitive edge.  I also learned that you can in fact teach “old dogs new tricks.”

United States Marine Corps


This might be cliché, but this experience has impacted me the most.  Although everyday was a challenge during my time in, I come to love and embrace not only the challenges of being a Marine but  I’ve also accepted the challenges in life. I looked at every obstacle as an opportunity to learn and become a better person.  I learned about unselfishness, sacrifice, teamwork,  and appreciation for the friends I had around me.  Most importantly I learned about myself; my limitations, weaknesses, and motivations.  I was able to embrace my weaknesses to improve them and build on the motivations that drive me forward.

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