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Student Technician

  1. Assist in the collection, refurbishing, and recycling of Temple University technology assets
  2. Go out to all Temple University facilities in the Philadelphia area and collect all types of technology included but not limited too: computers, various audio equipment, hard-drives, monitors, and printers. After collection we go through all of the equipment we collect and conduct a triage of our own on the equipment to see what we can keep, refurbish, and resell to students/faculty. This triage includes removing all RAM and Hard-drives, wiping all data that could be collected, cleaning the computers, and eventually imaging them for resale to students/faculty.
  3. I have learned a-lot about what makes a computer run and why the hardware in a computer is very important. In addition to learning about the hardware, I also have grown in my ability to take apart different types of technology including but not limited to Computers, Printers, media equipment, and servers. I have also gained knowledge in how the University runs/upholds different type of technology on campus. This job has been very helpful in grooming my hands-on ability to take apart technology and understand why different parts of computers make the computer run.
  4. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio.
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