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This Year
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IT Intern


Throughout this internship, I gained months of experience learning how to be a full-time IT technician for the Union League of Philadelphia. One of my main tasks during the day was to work an IT helpdesk where I managed and attended to everyday problems using freshdesk. Through this helpdesk, I was tasked with many problems every day including general networking issues, hardware issues, and user error issues. This taught me a lot because I got hands-on experience with problem-solving issues I never had the chance to while in class. It also made me much better at meeting new people and working with others as the company has over 300 employees who I would interact with daily. Besides the helpdesk, I also had experience working with the Union League’s employee database. Using this database I would edit user information, delete old users, and add new users. I would also work with other databases including many security services where I personally managed hundreds of devices on the network. The last main task I was given throughout this internship was making calls daily where I would order computer parts and services. Overall this internship greatly increased my networking, hardware, and people skills. I believe it was crucial to my goals of being a professional after school and gave me great insight into how I would like to further my career after school.

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