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Thinkful Webinar Replay || Intro to Data Analytics: SQL Fundamentals

  • Title of the activity
    • Thinkful Webinar Replay || Intro to Data Analytics: SQL Fundamentals
  • Term in which it was completed
    • Fall 2022
  • Sponsoring organization
    • Thinkful Webinars
  • Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    • Sept. 6, 9:00-10:00pm on Zoom
  • What you learned
    • In this webinar I learned the basics of SQL, the structured query language, and how to set up a basic SQL statement using the SQL statements of select, from, where, group by, order by, join, and other statements. The webinar also went over how relational databases work and why using SQL is an important tool for all companies using relational databases. The webinar also gave us a chance to practice SQL on our own with example problems and solutions.
  • How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    • This activity relates to my coursework as someone who has experience with SQL, this webinar was able to refresh my skills and test that I was able to properly use SQL and I am now more confident in my abilities to use SQL in a professional environment.

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