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Using Python for Automation

  1. Title of the module
    1. Using Python for Automation
  2. Term in which the course was completed
    1. Fall 2022
  3. Type of course: professional skills, technology skills
    1. Coding/Technology Skills
  4. In this LinkedIn Learning module I learned about how to use Python for automation. This introductory course showed the basics of how to read, write, and execute files. The first chapter went through how to automate a program that would organize directories by file type. The second chapter went over the structure of html and how to isolate the specific data which will help us understand web scraping. The third chapter went over how to automate web browsing using  Selenium. This allows us to open apps or search the web by using our code. The fourth and final chapter went over how we can automate APIs using python. This chapter included how to go through APIs and take a look at the JSON within it. These chapters helped me learn about basic coding within python, html structure, and how to understand APIs. This will help me in my future coursework because I will be ahead in topics that will be introduced in the future.

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