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Data Science Final Project: COVID-19 Death/Infection Rate by State and Political Party

Coronavirus Project MIS 0855. pt2 Final Infographics

COVID-19 Death/Infection Rate by State and Political Party


  • Finding open data source based on our interest
  • Doing analysis on the data source
  • Creating some data visualizations and infographics
  • Interpreting data and documenting results
  • Using Piktochart and tableau to work on the data.

Scenario: Looking at the COVID-19 case and death rates in U.S and matching states with their political parties. Showing the rates if they have relation between parties.

Data: CDC’s website to examine metrics of pandemic. The independent variable of the project is the parties of the states.

Key elements: Total deaths, cases, party of the states, election results in 2020, death rates, case rates.


  • Data represented current case totals & parties
    • Per 100,000 cases, average higher in Republican states (4,367 cases), Democratic states (2,834 cases)
  • Death rates,
    • Republican states: 1.35%
    • Democratic states: 2.2%


    • Higher death rate (per 100,000 people) for democratic states (.85% difference)
    • Ride in cases higher for republican states (per 100,000 people( (1,533 difference)
    • Democratic states have a greater population density, a higher percentage of Hispanic residents, a larger percentage of urban areas and a greater median income.
    • Republican states have a lower median age, a smaller percentage of residents with a bachelor’s degree, a higher rate of uninsured residents, and a higher percentage of people living in poverty.

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