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Saxbys Headquarter Career Fair

Saxbys Headquarter Career Fair

Summer II, 2019


I’m Miray Bolukbasi and currently a sophomore student at Temple University. I’m also a member of the Temple Women’s Volleyball Team. Last summer I took advantage of being a student-athlete and participated in the Saxbys’ Career Fair provided to us by the Resnick Supported Center located in Pearson Hall.

On June 30th, we visited the popular brand of Saxby’s Headquarters that located on Chesnut Street. After getting a real Saxbys’ coffee they offered, we first talked to a human resource official. We talked about the company’s business model, its recent developments and marketing techniques.

I was personally more interested in the organization structure of the company and talking people from other departments, and I tried to find out what the technology they use and the what kind of company they are, especially what systems they use. I’m very impressed to see some of the terms we learned in the course, obviously in a real working environment. I was really happy to be in touch with the employees of such a successful local brand in an official environment.

When I saw how the different MIS fields, we learned were used in real business life, I saw an opportunity to shape my own career planning. I have seen that it is better for me to create solutions to organizational problems and systems, rather than simply working in coding or creating the quality of systems in such a configuration

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