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NBCUniversal Houston Zoo Networking Event

  1. Title of the activity
    1. Night At the Zoo – NBCUniversal Networking Event
  2. Term of the activity
    1. Fall 2018
  3. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. Comcast NBCUniversal
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. September 27th, Houston Zoo, Masihara Pavillion
  5. What you expect to learn
    1. I expected to learn more about NBCUniversal, their company’s culture, and to have the opportunity to network with many other Comcast and NBCUniversal employees.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. This was a major networking opportunity and gave me the opportunity to learn more about the company I will be interning at this summer. Also I was able to speak with other data analysts who gave me a preview into the work I could be doing at NBCUniversal

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