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Grace Hopper Conference

  1. Grace Hopper Conference
  2. Houston, TX – September 26-28
    1. Houston, TX – September 26-28
  3. What you expect to learn
    • I am not only going to learn valuable skills from tracks and sessions I am attending, but they already relate to what I am learning to in class. For example I am attending several Artificial Intelligence, Tech for Women, Data Science, Computer Systems Engineering and Interactive Media sessions and classes. I will make sure to take pictures in the class and provide my schedule. Along with this I shall be watching and listening to successful women presenters from companies all over the country including Citi, Amazon, Comcast, Disney, etc. I will also have the opportunity to network with other girls in my field and companies attending the conference.
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals:
    1.  I will being working on my professional development skills and I will also be attending classes to teach me how to apply what I learned in school to the real world. One specific example would be that I am attending a Data Science class (DS634: Utilizing AI and cellular Images for Broad Efficient Drug Discovery) that directly relates to my Data Analytics class here at school.

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