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          Shotokan Karate

The martial art form of Shotokan Karate provides many benefits.  The practictioner experiences improved physical and mental health, increased self-esteem and self-confidence, elevated levels of energy, focus and concentration, improved self-defense, and shared interest, comraderiery and connection with fellow practictioners.


Sensei Gerald Evans                    Shotokan Karate Instructor

Sensei Gerald Evans
Shotokan Karate Instructor









Power-walking effectively manages weight and muscle mass, reduces  illness and disease, lessens stress and tension, increases conditioning and endurance, and provides a cost-free and time-efficient vehicle to enhance one’s quality of life.





Yoga is a healing practice that creates strength, awareness , harmony and balance in mind and body.  The benefits of yoga include: increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality, improved and balanced metabolism, weight reduction, improved cardio and circulatory health, improved athletic performance and increased protection from injury.












The benefits of instrumental music for students include: improved intellectual capacity, increased discipline and patience, lower stress levels, elevated sense of accomplishment, positive outlet for emotions, develop personal style, develop teamwork skills, improved physical condition, entertain friends and family and engage in an activity that is fun.

















The benefits of creative crafts include: improved bilateral coordination, elevated motor coordination, promote self-regulation, boost self-esteem, and bonding with shared project, and  improved critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.  These benefits translate to every aspect of life including: positve work habilt, effective collaboration and social interaction.






The benefits of cooking include: satisfaction,  budget and time reduction, calorie and weight control, nostalgic comfort, independence, improved food safety, improved family quality time, and improved nutrition.


















     Sewing / Crocheting

The benefits of sewing include: increased stress reduction, improved hand-eye coordination, improved self-esteem, decreases dclothes expenditure, theraputic for health, and a vehicle for self-expression.



Woman is sewing on the sewing machine






Refurbishing benefits include: improved self-esteem, sense of accomplishment, transferable skills and knowledge, budget saving, and better customized quality outcome.


refurbish furniture 2 refurbish furniture











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