Submit a completed answer sheet using this form and get 2 extra points for your exam grade.
Assignment 2 Specification and Dataset
Here is the specification and the dataset for Individual Assignment 2 due 11/9.
Extra Office Hours for Assignment 2
Aleksi (at Speakman 206D)
Thursday 11/3: 4–5pm
Friday 11/4: 4–5pm
Monday 11/7: 5.30–6.30pm
Tuesday 11/8: 3–4pm
Rhiannon (email for appointment, Zoom link:
Friday 11/4: 3.30-4.30pm
Monday 11/7: 7.30-8.30pm
Great Tutorial on Excel Pivot Table Feature
The following video provides a great introduction to doing pivot tables in Excel:
Group Project Groups
Announce you group members using this form by Monday 11/7.
Quiz for Week 11
Here is the link for quiz for week 11:
Exam 2 Study Guide
Exam 2 study guide is here.
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Excel
Here is a short clip explaining how relative cell references differ from absolute cell references in Excel.
Here is also a link to my Excel demo spreadsheet.
Key Performance Indicator
Wikipedia has fairly good articles on KPIs ( and the SMART criteria (
MapReduce and Hadoop Technology
Here is a simple introduction to the concepts behind MapReduce and Hadoop Big Data technologies.
Note that the products themselves are less interesting than the idea of how we can process huge amounts of data effectively.