Here is the study guide or exam 2.
Week 9 Reading Quiz
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Excel
Here is a short clip explaining how relative cell references differ from absolute cell references in Excel.
Here is also a link to my Excel demo spreadsheet.
Week 8 Reading Quiz
Here is the link to the reading quiz due 10/16:
What is a Relational Database?
This video demonstrates differences between a relational database and an Excel spreadsheet for storing data:
How Bad Data Ruins Your Day
Here are some of my favorite horror stories how things went wrong due to bad data:
7.2 Submit Your Cleaned Excel Dataset
Submit your cleaned Excel dataset using this form for bonus points to your grade.
Individual Assignment 1 Submission Form
Submit your i) completed Tableau workbook, and ii) answer sheet using this form by the end of Wednesday, 10/11:
Week 7 Reading Quiz
Extra Office Hours!
Hello all,
Here are the extra office hours for those who need help with the individual assignment.
- Friday, 10/6. 2-3.30pm, Zoom:
- Monday, 10/9, 5.30-6.30pm, Speakman Hall 206D
- Tuesday, 10/10, 3-5pm, Speakman Hall 206D
- Thursday, 10/5, 2-3pm, Speakman Hall 208i
- Monday, 10/9, 2-3pm, Speakman Hall 208i
- Tuesday, 10/10, 2-3pm, Speakman Hall 208i
- Friday, 10/6, 11am-noon, Alter Hall 604B breakout room
- Monday, 10/9, 2-4pm, Alter Hall 604G breakout room
- Wednesday, 10/11, 2-3pm, Alter Hall 240G breakout room