Section 003, Instructor: Ermira Zifla

Assignment 4: Final (Group) Project

Here are the assignment instructions.  Groups MUST be 4 or 5 members.  You may not do this assignment on your own or in smaller groups than 4.

The assignment is due April 24, 2017. We’ll do the presentations Monday and Wednesday.

Please create a group of 4 or 5 members and comment under this post with the names of the members of your group by 5:00pm April 3rd,2017  . Students who are not members of a group by April 3rd will be assigned to a group by me. I will update this post with the final list of groups by 6:00pm on April 3rd.

Here are the groups for Assignment 4. If you were randomly assigned to a group, please make sure to contact other group members asap.

NOTE: Every group must inform me about the issue they are going to investigate and the data set they are going to use by April 10th 2017. Email or talk to me in person during office hours/after class.

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Office Hours
Ermira Zifla (instructor) 10:00am-12:00pm Wednesdays, Speakman Hall 207C or by appointment.
Prince Patel (ITA) by appointment only. Email: