Take a look at the fascinating video of how Tesla sees the traffic environment. This is an example of an extremely sophisticated unstructured data analysis in real time.
Great Tutorial on Excel Pivot Table Feature
The following video provides a great introduction to doing pivot tables in Excel:
MapReduce and Hadoop Technology
Here is a simple introduction to the concepts behind MapReduce and Hadoop Big Data technologies.
Note that the products themselves are less interesting than the idea of how we can process huge amounts of data effectively.
Key Performance Indicator
Wikipedia has fairly good articles on KPIs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performance_indicator) and the SMART criteria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_criteria).
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Excel
Here is a short clip explaining how relative cell references differ from absolute cell references in Excel.
Here is also a link to my Excel demo spreadsheet.
What is a Relational Database?
This video demonstrates differences between a relational database and an Excel spreadsheet for storing data:
How Bad Data Ruins Your Day
Here are some of my favorite horror stories how things went wrong due to bad data:
(A blog post with examples – including the classic NASA mishap – of how things go wrong when people get data types wrong.)
Differences between infographics and data visualizations are discussed in this blog post:
We use Piktochart to create an infographic on MIS0855, but there a numerous other web-based tools available:
Beware of Online Filter Bubbles
An old but still relevant TED talk by Eli Pariser on how the web is being inconspicuously personalized for individual tastes creating bubbles of like-minded people.
…and its critique:
…and a more recent take on the topic:
A Simple Vocabulary of Data Science Concepts
A short summary of important data science concepts we discuss during the course in Aleksi Aaltonen’s blog:
It’s just 2 min read and gives you an overview of many important concepts we will discuss during the semester.