Wikipedia has fairly good articles on KPIs ( and the SMART criteria (
How Bad Data Ruins Your Day
Here are some of my favorite horror stories how things went wrong due to bad data:
(A blog post with examples – including the classic NASA mishap – of how things go wrong when people get data types wrong.)
Reading Quiz for Week 9
Here is the link for the week 9 quiz:
Illustration of Relational Database
This video demonstrates differences between a relational database and an Excel spreadsheet for storing data.
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Excel
Here is a short clip explaining how relative cell references differ from absolute cell references in Excel.
Here is also a link to my Excel demo spreadsheet.
Individual Assignment 2
Here is the specification and dataset for the second individual assignment.
The assignment is due Friday, 4/5 by the end of day.
NOTE! Make again sure you use the dataset linked from this post (or the schedule).
Reading Quiz for Week 8
Here is the link for the week 8 quiz:
7.2 Submit Your Cleaned Excel Dataset
Submit your cleaned Excel dataset using this form for extra points.
Extra office hours!
Ziyi “Iggy”
2/26 (Monday) 9-11am at Speakman Hall 208i
2/27 (Tuesday) 3-5pm at Speakman Hall 208i
2/28 (Wednesday), 2–3pm at Speakman Hall 206D
2/28 (Thursday), 4–5pm at Speakman Hall 206D
2/28 (Friday), 3–4pm at Speakman Hall 206D
Reading Quiz for Week 7
Here is the reading quiz for week 5 (due before our session starts on Monday 2/26: