In Class Exercises
In class exercise 13.2 driver download
Here is the link for the driver download
In-Class Exercise 13.2: Simple Predictive Analytics
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need [In-Class Exercise 13.2 – VandelayOrdersAll.xlsx].
In-Class Exercise 13.1: Predicting Future Enrollment
Here is the exercise
In-Class Exercise 12.2: Sentiment Analysis Using Excel
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need for the exercise [In-Class Exercise 12.2 – Sentiment Analysis Tools.xlsx].
In-Class Exercise 12.1: Manually Determining the Sentiment of Text Data
Here is the exercise.
In-Class exercise 11.2: Working with ‘Pivot Tables’ in Tableau
Here is the exercise.
Here is the excel spreadsheet you will need to complete this exercise [In-Class Exercise 11.2 – NCAA 2013-2014 Player Stats]
Here are the answers (.docx) for the exercise.
In-Class Exercise 11.1: Creating a Database
Here is the exercise.
In-Class Exercise 9.2: Creating Interactive Dashboards
Here is the exercise.
And here is the Excel workbook you’ll need [Pew Story Data (Jan – May 2012).xlsx]
Here is the Tableau workbook with the answer in form of completed dashboards.
And here are the answers to the questions posed in the exercise.
In-Class Exercise 9.1: Connecting Diverse Data
Here is the exercise.
And here are the workbooks [2012 Presidential Election Results by District.xlsx and Portrait 113th Congress.xlsx]
Here is the finished Tableau Workbook for this exercise.
In-Class Exercise 8.2: Visualizing KPIs
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet to complete the exercise [In-Class Exercise 8.2 – OnTime Airline Stats [Jan 2014].xlsx].
Here’s the finished workbook in Tableau [Visualizing KPIs.twb]