MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Welcome to MIS 0855 – Data Science!


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer break. My name is Min-Seok, and I’ll be teaching MIS 0855 Section 006 (Mon/Wed/Fri 9 AM) this Fall semester. I would like to wholeheartedly welcome you all to MIS 0855!

Please take a close look at the syllabus. The first class is on Monday, August 28 at 9am at Alter Hall 232.

We will learn how to Tableau Desktop throughout the semester. Please download and install Tableau at https://www.tableau.com/products/desktop/download. You are required to obtain a free license key from https://www.tableau.com/academic/students. Do it now, and please be sure to use your @temple.edu email when filling out a form.

Once again, I’m very much excited to have you in MIS 0855. Please let me know by email (minspang@temple.edu) if you have any question. Enjoy the rest of the break, and I’ll look forward to seeing you soon.

– Min-Seok