MIS 2101.101 – Brian Connelly – Fall 2014

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Welcome to MIS 2101

Welcome to the MIS 2101 Section 101 Tuesday evening course site.  This is the site that will be utilized throughtout the semester to communicate course information. This site will contain anything relevant to the course and it is your responsibility to monitor and check weekly for changes in regards to the course material, schedule, or news.

I encourage you to use this site as an interactive site to communicate between your classmates and myself by posting comments or questions.  You will find that in many cases others will have the same questions needing answered or opinions on the current topics.

Your first task for this course is to review the course syllabus and become familiar with the class room policy and expectations.  Your first reading assignment and quiz is due on 9/2.  Please be prepared by buying all course material this week and completing assignments prior to the start of class.