Information Systems in Organizations

MIS 2101.002 – Shana Pote – Fall 2015

Sept. 23 Announcements

MIS2101 Sec 002 – Midterm Review Session – Friday, 9/18

This Friday, September 18th, the diamond peer teachers will hold a review session for MIS 2101 and MIS 2901 from 4:00pm – 5:00pm in room 603, Alter Hall (the laptop computer lab on the 6th floor). For those who cannot attend, the session will be recorded, and the link will be posted shortly after the session ends.
Please be aware that this is not a structured review. Students are expected to come to the session prepared with questions. The session will essentially be run by the students; when the students run out of questions, the session will end.
Remember, all exam material will be drawn from the assigned readings and in-class activities. The exam is multiple choice, and structured to be completed in a 50 minute session.
Good luck!
Professor Pote

Entity Relationship Diagrams from In-Class Activity

As promised, here’s a .PDF of the two ERDs we drew in class. I’ve also added a third drawing, representing a first draft of the tabular example from class. (Remember, the first draft of an ERD is always messy and noisy.) I’ve also uploaded the example we used in class for comparison.

MIS2101 – ERD Activity Diagrams

Unit 2 Activity 02 – Entity Relationship Diagram

Sept. 14 Announcements

Here’s the slide deck with today’s announcements regarding:

  • Change in exam date (moved to 9/23 to allow time to complete Unit 2 before midterm)
  • The next Learn IT! assignment (due 9/28)
  • Learn IT! expectations regarding timing of questions (raise them before end of day 9/23, I will not be checking email thereafter)
  • In-Class Activities – how to get copies to study from, as they are not being returned, and what to do if you anticipate missing one due to documentable reasons
  • MIS Career Fair – if you’re an MIS Major or Minor especially, you want to attend this. Link to register is Deadline is Wednesday.

091415 Announcements

Changes to Learn IT! #4

As mentioned in Monday’s class, Learn IT! #4 assignment has changed in both scope and due date. Important date changes are on Weeks 6 and 10. The Learn IT! #4 assignment page has been updated with details for the Temple Analytics Challenge 2015.

Please make sure you review. There will also be reminders in class, but as there are cash prizes and grade incentives, the sooner you’re familiar with the details, the more time you have to prepare.

If any links appear broken or misdirected, please bring to my attention immediately.

Good luck!

Welcome to MIS2101

Welcome to MIS2101, Information Systems in Organizations.  We will not be using Blackboard for this class.  Instead we’ll be using this site which is hosted by Community.MIS.Temple.Edu.  This site is built on WordPress, a world class open-source blogging tool.  As part of completing the assignments in MIS2101 you will gain some experience with WordPress and other technologies.

Unlike most intro courses, this course has no required textbook.  The traditional textbook has been replaced by a collection of readings that are freely available over the Internet.  Another way you will find this class very different than most classes you will take at any university is that this class is “activity based”.  With this type of class there is far less traditional lecture.  We will use the time that is freed up from lectures to complete in-class activities that help students develop a deeper and more genuine understanding of the material discussed during our class discussions.

On this site you will find all of the required course materials including the syllabus, links to the assigned readings, assignments and access to your grades for the course.  In addition announcements will be made in class and/or on this site so it is important that you check this site regularly for announcements.