Section 4


Assignments consist of hands on projects. These projects are one of the most important ways for you to learn and integrate the material of this class. If you do not do well with the projects then you will find it difficult to pass this class. The material involved in the projects is further tested in the exams. The primary projects for the course are:

All assignments will be graded using a “fail, pass, pass-high” approach.

  • Zero credit will be earned for late or missed assignments.
  • Partial credit will be earned for assignments handed in on time where the quality of work is unacceptable (i.e. “Fail” – one or more of the questions were not answered, little care was shown when constructing the answers, or there were numerous spelling and grammatical errors.)
  • Substantial partial credit will be earned for assignments which are handed in on time and the quality of the work is acceptable (i.e. “Pass” – all questions were answered and the answers were well-reasoned. There are few significant grammar or spelling errors.)
  • Full credit will be earned for assignments handed in on time with quality of the work clearly demonstrating the student’s mastery of the subject matter, “Pass-High”.

The following table specifies the number of points be earned for each assignment for “Fail”, “Pass”, and “Pass-High”.

Assignment Missing/Late Fail Pass Pass-High
Project 1 – Business Applications 0 8 16 20
Project 2 – SAP 0 16 32 40
Project 3 – Digital Identity Management 0 16 32 40
Total 0 40 80 100

Graded assignments will not be returned in class. If you would like your graded assignments, please stop by my office during office hours within two weeks after grades have been posted. Assignments that have not been picked up during this two-week period will be discarded.

Project 1: Business Applications

This project has three major parts and will require students to understand how to use different application software to address a variety of business problems. Each section of the project involves reading, interacting with some software, copying computer screen images into your assignment to demonstrate your work, and responding to questions. Typical business applications addressed by this project will include: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Business Intelligence (BI).



Project 2: SAP

This project will give you hands on experience with a working SAP system, where you will be required to complete typical business functions in the areas of Procurement and Sales Orders Processing. SAP is the world leader in ERP, and this project will help demonstrate both the value and difficulty in integrating business functions, using a real world SAP system.

The instructions and questions are contained in the following file:  Project-2-SAP

Instructions on how to log into the system are in the following file:  Loggin-in-to-SAP

The following 2 files contain a copy of the SAP activity directly from the Kroenke book.  They are included for your convenience.

MIS2101 SAP Procurement Exercise- Kroenke Fall 2013

MIS2101 SAP Sales Exercise-Kroenke Fall 2013

This file contains your SAP log ID password.  It also contains the SAP system ID and client number.  You will need all 4 items to log on to SAP.  The IDs are listed by TUID.  Please make sure you select the correct SAP logon ID.

SAP Logon IDs Spring 2015

Below is the schedule for the SAP Helpdesk.  I recommend that you work on your project during those times.  The people staffing the SAP Helpdesk can solve most of the common problems and can reset your password if you lock yourself out.  Updates to the schedule will be posted as rooms are found for the sessions with no room listed.

Date Time Location TA
Monday 3/16 11:00-12:00




Tuesday 3/17 10:00-11:00 602/603 Chris 
Wednesday 3/18 11:00-12:00




Thursday 3/19 10:00-11:00  602/603 Chris 
Friday 3/20 10-1






Monday 3/23 11:00-12:00




Tuesday 2/24 10:00-11:00 602/603 Chris
Wednesday 3/25 11:00-12:00






Thursday 2/26 10:00-11:00  602/603 Chris
Friday 3/27 11-1






Monday 3/30 11:00-12:00





Install SAP GUI on your machine – Follow this link if you would like to download and install the SAP GUI on your own machine (PC or Mac) and complete the assignment using your own machine instead of the machines in the Alter 602/603 labs.  This is not the recommended approach.

Project 3: Digital Identity Management

 This project has 5 parts to it, where you will create an ‘e-portfolio’ for yourself, using WordPress and the Temple MIS E-Portfolio site to create a professional resume and portfolio of yourself, and make it available to internet users. You will then learn how to use Google Analytics to measure and analyze the data and traffic your e-portfolio generates.

Please note that Parts 2 and 3 have individual due dates.  They are also the only parts of the assignment that are submitted via email.  Please email them to me ( and to Chris Montone  (


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