Information Systems in Organizations

Welcome to MIS2101 – Summer 2016


Welcome to MIS2101, Information Systems in Organizations.  We will not be using Blackboard for this class.  Instead we’ll be using this site which is hosted by Community.MIS.Temple.Edu.  This site is built on WordPress, a world class open-source blogging tool.  As part of completing the assignments in MIS2101 you will gain some experience with WordPress and other technologies.

Unlike most intro courses, this course has no required textbook.  The traditional textbook has been replaced by a collection of readings that are freely available over the Internet.  Another way you will find this class very different than most classes you will take at any university is that this class is “activity based”.  With this type of class there is far less traditional lecture.  We will used the time that is freed up from lectures to complete in-class activities that help students develop a deeper and more genuine understanding of the material that is discussed during our class discussions.

On this site you will find all of the required course materials including the syllabus, links to the assigned readings, assignments and access to your grades for the course.  In addition announcements will be made in class and/or on this site so it is important that you check this site regularly for announcements.

One Response to Welcome to MIS2101 – Summer 2016

  • Wikipedia: “Systems Develop Life Cycle” – within a life-cycle of systems development, there are 5 phases: Analysis, Design, Coding, Deploy and Support. Each phase is critical to the making up of an efficient and effective system. In the Analysis phase – analyze solutions, look for alternatives, cost & benefits, provide preliminary recommendations. Design phase – operation and feature details, swimlanes, ERD’s, basically start to put your documentation together about how the system will work, in a nutshell – it’s your “blueprint.” Coding phase- actual development is completed here; testing of the system takes place and all inefficiencies that are found at this time are worked through and corrected and the users begin training. Deploy phase – system goes into production and begins to run the business- this is your “Go Live” point. Support phase – baseline system receives maintenance, updates and added features to keep system current. Although the Support phase is the last phase listed, it’s technically a not. After this, the “life-cycle” repeats itself to ensure a well-maintained system.

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