MIS2101 Professor Latko

Class Reader Schedule

Class Reader/Article Review:  Technology is constantly evolving and changing.  To supplement what we learn from our textbook, each student will be responsible for finding a relevant article pertaining to the class topic for their assigned week.  Good places to look are: InfoWeek, ComputerWorld, Business Week etc…  Students should select an article that is relevant to the topic of the week their assignment is due.  When you post your article, please include 2-3 discussion questions that you would like your classmates to be thinking about for our in class discussion.  You will then present the article and these discussion questions to the class at the beginning of our scheduled meeting.

Articles & discussion questions should be posted to our community site by 5PM on the Sunday before our class meeting covering that topic. 

Points earned will be based on how relevant the topic is to the evening’s discussion and how well you explain those concepts and answer questions. If you are late to class, miss your article review or your headset does not work, you will receive 0 points for the assignment.  There are 30 possible points for the Class Reader.

For some examples on Class Readers and Discussions you can visit my class site from last semester: http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101702fall2013/

You are an author of my site, please log into my class MIS blog site under your credentials and post a link to your article related to the materials along with your 3 questions on the Saturday and Sunday (until 5pm) of the week your chapter is covered.

Each student should read the posted readings before class and post some comments about the reader as part of class participation.


Student Chapter
Ali, Omar 1
Barnes, Evan P. 4
Bressler, Samuel I. 5
Brunson, Linda N. 6
Bustillos, Melany B. 7
Cavanaugh, Robert E. 8
Centanni, Karly R. 9
Chism, Joseph R. 10
Hu, Yinping K1
Daly, Connor K2
Dick, Christopher J. K3
Gluskin, Jared M. 1
Hkyeng, Gum Hkawng Tu (X2X)   K2
Johnson, Victoria A. 4
Laughman, Kayla E. 5
Lin, Hengyu 6
Liu, Xiao 7
Moser, Nicole P. 8
Murphy, Matthew R. 9
Palmisano, Michael 10
Nwosu, Kristine E. K1
Patel, Hursh U. K2
Ratnum, Rochelle M. K3
Rex, Johnathan W. 6
Riggs, Brianna D. 7
Savage, Mone’ E. 8
Sfirakis, Michael 6
Sine, Lydia D. 7
Wodarczyk, Paul J. K1

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