In class today, we will learn about HTTP post. See you in class!
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 11/11
In class today I will briefly review quiz 10. Then we will work on an ICA.
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 11/4
Today we learn about JSON!
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 10/30
Today we will take a second look at arrays.
We will conclude class with a quiz.
MIS2402 – Agenda for 10/21
In class we will work on an ICA, and I will offer assistance on this evening’s homework assignment.
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 10/14
In class today I will go over strings in JavaScript. I will also go over a “prep” exercise to help you prepare for this week’s hands on quiz.
MIS2402 – agenda for class 10/9
In class today:
- Q&A about the assignment due tonight
- Announce Assignment 4
- Review Quiz 5
- Review Quizzes 2, 3, 4
- Introduce PRO point project
- Take Quiz 6 at the end of class
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 10/7
In class today, we will take another look at numbers in JavaScript.
We will talk about what to expect on this week’s quiz.
There is a corresponding ICA as well.
MIS2402.004 – Agenda for class on 9/23
I’ll start class today by asking if there are any questions on this week’s homework.
Then, we will learn about loops.
Then you will take this week’s quiz.
Assignment 3 has been posted. See you in class.
This is just for fun:
MIS2402 – Agenda for class on 9/18
Hi everyone,
We will start out by working on ICA 2… then move on into the scheduled material for today.