Hello and welcome to MIS2402, section 004.
I am looking forward to our first class together! The review of the syllabus in the first class will cover important material every student should be aware of.
Here are some things you can be doing to get ready for the semester:
- Get the textbook for the class: JavaScript Absolute Beginner’s Guide by Kirupa Chinnathambi (2nd edition) (I would order it from Amazon… either print or e-book format is acceptable.)
- Install the software you need for class
- Begin watching this LinkedInLearning video:
Practical HTML for No-Coders (by Jen Kramer)
https://www.linkedin.com/learning/practical-html-for-no-coders/ - Your understanding of the video material will be assessed in the first quiz of the semester.
I’m looking forward to our first meeting on Tuesday, 1/14 at 11am in Speakman Lab 12.