MIS 2502.001 Kartik Ganju – Fall 2014

Weekly Question: 11th September

Dear Students,

As part of the Google project to digitize books, you can now search all the digitized record of books that are stored on Google. For example, by navigating to the website and searching for “telephone”,”telegraph” and “internet”, I was able to produce the following chart. You can also search for longer phrases such as “world war” or “data analytics”.

The chart linked above shows how often the phrase “telegraph”, “telephone” and “internet” appeared in books between 1800 and 2013. As you can see, there is a high number of occurrences of telephone till about the 1940s and a steady increase of internet in the late 1990s.

As part of the contribution for this week, I want you to generate a graph for phrases that you find interesting. Post the link the the comments section explaining why you found that graph interesting. Also, I have enabled a “thumbs up” button to appear on everyones comments so check out the graphs that other people have generated and give the ones you like a thumbs up.

See you on Tuesday

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