Instructor: Shuting (Ada) Wang


There will be eight assignments and one group project. All assignments and the group project should be submitted via Canvas before due date.

Day Week Assignments Due
9/17/2018 4 Assignment 1 Due: ER Modeling
10/1/2018 6 Assignment 2 Due: SQL #1
10/14/2018 7 Assignment 3 Due: SQL #2
10/22/2018 9 Assignment 4 Due: ETL and Pivot tables in Excel
10/31/2018 10 Group Project due: Data visualization
11/7/2018 11 Assignment 5 Due: Introduction to working with R
11/16/2018 12 Assignment 6 Due: Decision Trees
11/28/2018 14 Assignment 7 Due: Clustering
12/7/2018 15 Assignment 8 Due: Association Rules


Tentative exam schedules are available below and are subject to change.

  • Exam 1: 10/8 during class time
  • Exam 2: 11/2 during class time
  • Exam 3 (final exam): 12/17 1:00pm-2:00pm

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