Section 002 Frank Hoban


2502 Section 002 MySQL Course Materials

The 2502 Section 002 MySQL course materials have been posted and emailed. You must have this done by next week!  

·         Review the SQL1 – Out PowerPoint  posted on the Community Site in slide decks 

·         Your MySQL IDs and passwords have been set up in your gradebook. Go get them.

·         Connect to (from a school PC) or download (to your PC) the MySQL Workbench using the QuickGuide to MySQL Workbench Quick Guide posted in Slide Decks. . Confirm connectivity using the “ Select query” at the end of the guide.    You’ll need your MySQL IDs and passwords for this

·         Review the MySQL and Workbench Tutorial PowerPoint posted  posted in Slide Decks

Next week we start MySQL programming!

Assignment to Catch Up Cancelled Jan 22nd Class

Hi Everybody,

The Wed class cancellation  created a bit of a problem for us in that we’ve got a lot of material to cover and really can’t afford to lose 2.5 hours.    

David Schuff  designed the Data Analytics class a couple years back and is teaching another section this semester.  I’m teaching from his material so the content is almost identical, including the syllabus and ground rules.  

 So, to get caught up , I need you to view David Schuff’s  class capture in advance of our next class.  The class capture links can be found at  You need to view the 1st 2 of these.    

 And I’ve posted and emailed  the related PowerPoints.Read these in their entirety.

01-Things You Can Do

02 –Information Architecture

03-Relational Data Modeling

 On the 29th we’ll have a quick quiz on this material (up through slide 11 in deck 03- Relational Data Modeling) before moving into  further into Entity Relationship Modeling.

See you then   


Frank Hoban