- The exam is closed book, closed notes. The exam will be a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
- Exam # 3 covers all the lectures from “Introduction to Advanced Analytics”. We will have a review session on Tuesday (4/23).
- You will need a calculator.
- Study Guide for Exam 3 (word)
- Study Guide for Exam 3 (ppt)
- Our TA, Meixian Wang, will hold additional office hours on Wednesday (4/24) from 4 to 5 pm.
Please complete the Course Evaluations!
Please complete the online course evaluation for this class!
You can access the SFF site here. It only will take you five minutes, but it is important.
Some things about the course evaluations:
- Your feedback is anonymous.
- I don’t get the results until after the semester is completely over.
- Your feedback will help me improve and refine my teaching.
Assignment #9: Association Mining Using Python [Due Tuesday, 4/23/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the assignment instructions (in Word format).
For this assignment, you’ll use the ARulesAssignmentOutput.csv which is generated based on the Python code as in ICA14.
In addition, no late submission will be accepted for this assignment (I will post the solution right after the deadline so you can prepare for the exam.)
Assignment #8: Clustering Using Python [Due Tuesday, 4/16/2024 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the assignment instructions and an answer sheet to submit (in Word format).
Here is the data file you’ll need Restaurant.csv.
For this assignment, you’ll need to modify the python script you used in ICA #12 (ICA12_Clustering.ipynb).
Due date: Tuesday, 4/16/2024, 11:59 pm.
Extra Credit Assignment: Decision Tree Using Python [Due Tuesday, 4/30/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the assignment instructions(in Word format).
For this assignment, you’ll need to modify the python script you used in ICA #11 (ICA11_Decision_tree.ipynb).
Due date: Tuesday, 4/30/2024, 11:59 pm.
Assignment #7: Decision Tree Using Python [Due Tuesday, 4/9/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the assignment instructions and an answer sheet to submit (in Word format).
Here is the data file you’ll need BankLoan.csv. (Make sure that the name doesn’t change.)
For this assignment, you’ll need to modify the python script you used in ICA #11 (ICA11_Decision_tree.ipynb).
Due date: Tuesday, 4/9/2024, 11:59 pm.
Exam #2 Study Guide: Semi-structured Data, Python Basics/JSON/Pandas, ETL, Data Visualization [During class time on 3/28]
- The exam is closed book, closed notes. The exam will be a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
- Exam # 2 covers all the lectures from “Semi-structured data” to “Data visualization”. We will have a review session on 3/21 (by Jae) and 3/26 (by Mei).
- Study Guide for Exam #2 (word)
- Study Guide for Exam #2 (ppt)
- Review materials for 3/26
Assignment #6: Python Pandas [Due Thursday, 3/21/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the instructions and csv file: Assignment #6 – Python Pandas and Sales.csv.
Submit your answer sheet as a PDF document through Canvas>Assignment>To-Do.
Due date: Thursday, 3/21/2024, 11:59 pm.
Assignment #5: Python and JSON [Due Thursday, 3/14/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the instructions and JSON file: Assignment #5 – Python and JSON and restaurant.json.
Submit your answer sheet as a PDF document through Canvas>Assignment>To-Do.
Due date: Thursday, 3/14/2024, 11:59 pm.
Assignment #4: Python Basics [Due Thursday, 2/29/24 at 11:59 pm]
Here are the instructions: Assignment #4 – Python Basics.
Submit your answer sheet as a PDF document through Canvas>Assignment>To-Do.
Due date: Thursday, 2/29/2024, 11:59 pm.