MIS3501-Data Centric Application Development

Prof Patrick J Wasson, MS

Week 2 Update

Good work last night.  To recap we covered the basics of HTML and CSS, an introduction to PHP, some basic PHP skills, and how to move data from one page to another via a form request.

As a reminder the HTML quiz will be held next week and will cover all of the concepts covered in the HTML Essentials Training.  To prepare for the quiz be sure to review the HTML and CSS exercises as the quiz is very similar to these two exercises.  You will be required to download some starter code I provide to you, alter the code in netbeans based on a number of questions in the quiz and then upload your code to the class server (www.mis3501.xyz).

For next week 1) Prepare for the HTML Quiz 2) Complete Challenge 2.1 3) Review the materials for week 3 including the slides and exercise

Have a great week!


Week 1 Update

Hi Class,

Good work last night!  It was great meeting everyone. To recap: We covered an overview of the course and went through course expectations and policies.  We covered an intro to web application development, XAMPP, SSH, Netbeans and started a new project using PHP/HTML, covering exercises 1.1 and 1.3.  Additionally, I have posted a webex covering the HTML Exercise as we ran out of time before completing that last night.

For next week:

  1. Ensure you have obtained all of the course materials, including the textbook and have completed all of the technology setup including, SSH, XAMPP and Netbeans and have ensured everything is working as expected.
  2. Complete the Required reading for week 2, complete and post Challenge 1, review all of the exercises/materials from week 1, and prepare for next week by going through the posted materials for week 2
  3. Be sure to check the class website for announcements and all of the materials required for this class.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!  See you all next week.



My name is Patrick Wasson and I am the instructor for section 3 of MIS3501: Data Centric Application Development.  I am looking forward to meeting you all in class on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 5:30pm.

Our class will be held in Alter Hall, room 602.  There are a few things I’d like you all to complete prior to our first class.  Please see the posts below.

Looking forward to working with you all!


Important Links

For uploading assignments, viewing your code and working with the mysql database you will need to access the following links:

MySQL Database (Enter username/password to login): http://mis3501.xyz/phpmyadmin/

Your Websitehttp://mis3501.xyz/YOUR_USERNAME/

SSH Secure Shell (To Upload Code): Click Quick Connect

  • Hostname: www.mis3501.xyz
  • Username: Your assigned username
  • Port: 22
  • Password: Your assigned password



MIS3501 Prep (to be completed before the first day of class 1/18/17)

Please complete the following before the first day of class:

#1 Install the software:

(Installation videos are WebEx streaming videos.)

For PC Users:

  2. NetBeans IDE for HTML5 and PHP ( INSTALLATION VIDEO )
  3. Notepad++ ( INSTALLATION VIDEO )

For Mac Users:

  2. NetBeans IDE for HTML5 and PHP ( INSTALLATION VIDEO  ) (updated: 8/25/2016)
  3. Text Wrangler ( INSTALLATION VIDEO  )

#2 Get the textbook

Murach’s PHP and MySQL (2nd Edition) by Joel Murach and Ray Harris, ISBN 978-1-890774-79-0 (either print or electronic is acceptable)

#3 Assigned viewing

See https://lynda.temple.edu .  Watch portions of HTML Essential Training with James Williamson.

The portions to watch are (minimally):

  • The Introduction
  • Section 1 (“The Importance of HTML” and “Basic HTML syntax” only)
  • Section 2 (All but “Understanding Content Models”)

Students may wish to watch sections 3,5,6, and 7 as well, as these will be assigned after the start of class.


See you all on 1/18/17!
