Temple University

Monthly Archives: October 2014

Team Assignment Due on October 29, 2014

Draft views of your team’s User Persona(s)  and Scenario(s)


Use the persona template found on the web site to describe the typical user(s) that will be engaged in the project solution.  Depending on the project solution there may be more than one persona.

Create a draft outline of scenario(s) that the user will work thought as it pertain to the project solution.  The scenario(s) tell a story as to how the user interacts with the solution, there many be one or more scenarios needed to tell the story.  For the initial draft of the scenario(s) you may create a simple document that outlines the steps and decisions in the form of bullet points.  The final project submission should include more formal scenario views using the JustinMind tool.


Exam 2 – October 29, 2014

Exam 2 will be taken on October 29, 2014  during the last hour of class

The Exam will primarily focus on the analysis tools outlined and demonstrated in class discussions 5 –  (Process Mapping), 6 –  (Data Mapping and Relationships)  and 7  – (Business Rules and Decision Trees)  and the respective individual case assignments.

Key topic areas covered in the exam will be: Process Flows, (Swim Lane), Data Analysis (Entity Relationship) and Business Rules (Decision Tree).

Chapter 6 in the text book specifically covered the analysis tools with addition backgound information found in chapter 4.  Review of the class disucssions posted on the web site and follow up case assignments will serve as good study aids.  The Software Requirements Memory Jogger also has examples of the analysis tools and the their components.

Case Solutions can be found on the web site page: Case Assignment Solutions Examples

Team Assignment Due on October 22, 2014

Draft copies of your team’s As IS  analysis  defining the current state  of  your project topic


Swim Lane Process flow Diagram

Data Diagram

Key business rules / Decision tree

The goal for this portion of the project is to use the analysis tools we reviewed in class to depict the current state of the problem / opportunity that the team has chosen to pursue.  Your team will have an opportunity to make adjustments to the documents and submit in final form at the end of the semester.

You may submit the draft documents to me at the end of class via email or in hardcopy form, please bring a printed copy of the documents to class or a laptop to present the document in a peer team review session.  This will be a exercise where teams will pair off to share each others findings and give feedback.

Individual assignment due on 10/15/2014

Mortgage Program Case Study
Due Class 8, October 15, 2014

Read Mortgage Program Case – Business Rules

Use the Business Rule Template

The Deliverables:  Using the information provided:

1. Identify the set of business rules that The Home Mortgage Company is using to decide what interest rate and type loan (fixed or variable) to grant to an applicant for a thirty year loan.

2. Draw a Decision Tree of how The Home Mortgage Company should link these business rules to decide what rate and loan type to offer the applicant.

3. Write a list of questions (4 -5) that you want to ask Jack Jones when you go back to him with your draft rules to check if they are correct.

Individual assignment due on 10/8/2014

Data Analysis Case:  Night Owl Case link

The Deliverables:

Use the Excel Template Sample to:

  1. Create a Glossary of terms from the case
  2. Identify all the data entities that the Night Owl database will need.
  3. For each entity, identify all of the attributes that must be collected. Include information about each entity’s type, range if any, default value, and special requirements.
  4. Indicate the relationships between the different entities.

Use the tool of your choice (Google docs, MS Access, Word, or Sketch on Paper) to create an ER or Schema Diagram to demonstrate the releationships

Week 6 Class Agenda – 10/1/2014

Class Discussion on Data Mapping and Relationships

Review of Individual Data Mapping Case assignment due Class 7 – October 8, 2014

Review JustinMind tools

Studio work will be focused on a team exercise to identify Data and Relationships

Review Exam 1

Team calibration to finalize and submit Project Scope document