Temple University

Monthly Archives: November 2014

Message from fellow classmate – Job Opportunity

Hey guys,

I have recently been applying for spring internships and came into contact with an accounting firm located in Center City Philadelphia. The name of the firm is Drucker & Scaccetti and they are looking for a Temporary Electronic Filing Coordinator for the 2015 tax season. The position is full time. If there are any Accounting majors interested in applying please email me and let me know. It seems like a great opportunity! I can try to answer any questions you may have and forward your resume to the firm’s recruiter.


Julie Tippy


Team Project Presentations – November 19, 2014

Presentations of the team projects will be delivered during class on November 19, 2014.

Prior to presenting, each team should turn in a printed copy of the PowerPoint  presentation and screen shots of the prototype

Presentations should be no more then 12 minutes in length

All members are encouraged to present

In order to keep things moving along, please come prepared with prototype and presentations queued up