Temple University

Salvia Stephen

Final Team Project Deliverables

Artifacts to be Delivered:  (electronically via email)

Due on Last night of class 12/3/2014

  • Project Scope Document
  • Current State
    • Process Flow Diagram(s)
    • Data Diagrams
    • Business Rules
  • Persona(s)
  • Scenarios
  • Prototype JustinMind file
  • Presentation PPT

Exam 3 planning

Exam 3 planning

The primary material covered in the exam 3 will be on the Design aspects of the course with focus on the topic discussions and exercises reviewed in Classes 8 through 11.

Class 8 – Design

Class 9 – Persona/Scenario/Prototype

Class 10 – User Experience

Class 11 – Reviewing Work

Class 11 – Selling Your Ideas

While the exam will focus on design aspects of the discussions, there will be references to the analysis tools (process flow, data entities and business rules) found in some of the questions and applied in the case portion of the exam.

A review of chapter 6 in the text book and the class discussions on the analysis tools will also be helpful

Class 5 – Process Mapping

Class 6 – Data Mapping and Relationships

Class 7 – Business Rules and Decision Tree

Class 12 – Summary  has a general overview of the course and the topics

The exam has three sections: (all multiple choice)

12 question on general knowledge of the above subject areas (mostly on Design Topics)

12 questions based on a case review which is focused on data elements and there application in a mocked up design solution (Report Designs and Layouts will be included in the case material)

16 question on a separate case review which will focused on the identification / evaluation of business rules and their applicability to developing a potential solutions

To prepare for the question pertaining to the two cases in the exam, review previous case work assignments and practice identifying the key process steps, data elements and business rules that would be pertinent to creating a solution

Overall this exam will test you skills in analyzing the information supplied in a case an applying it to a solution

Message from fellow classmate – Job Opportunity

Hey guys,

I have recently been applying for spring internships and came into contact with an accounting firm located in Center City Philadelphia. The name of the firm is Drucker & Scaccetti and they are looking for a Temporary Electronic Filing Coordinator for the 2015 tax season. The position is full time. If there are any Accounting majors interested in applying please email me and let me know. It seems like a great opportunity! I can try to answer any questions you may have and forward your resume to the firm’s recruiter.


Julie Tippy


Team Project Presentations – November 19, 2014

Presentations of the team projects will be delivered during class on November 19, 2014.

Prior to presenting, each team should turn in a printed copy of the PowerPoint  presentation and screen shots of the prototype

Presentations should be no more then 12 minutes in length

All members are encouraged to present

In order to keep things moving along, please come prepared with prototype and presentations queued up



Team Assignment Due on October 29, 2014

Draft views of your team’s User Persona(s)  and Scenario(s)


Use the persona template found on the web site to describe the typical user(s) that will be engaged in the project solution.  Depending on the project solution there may be more than one persona.

Create a draft outline of scenario(s) that the user will work thought as it pertain to the project solution.  The scenario(s) tell a story as to how the user interacts with the solution, there many be one or more scenarios needed to tell the story.  For the initial draft of the scenario(s) you may create a simple document that outlines the steps and decisions in the form of bullet points.  The final project submission should include more formal scenario views using the JustinMind tool.