Temple Fox MIS Site

Team Project Deliverables

Team Project Assignment:

The objective of the team project is to exercise the analysis and design techniques, discussed in class, within a structured framework of deliverables. This project will afford your team the opportunity to leverage and demonstrate how these tools can be used to evaluate and propose a solution for a team selected case scenario.

Primary objectives are to:

  • Identify the Issues and Opportunities for a target project sponsor
  • Document the As Is (Current) State
  • Develop potential solutions scenario(s) and prototype to demonstrate the To Be (Future) State
  • Develop and deliver a Project Sponsor Presentation

Class Interaction:

Through out the semester your team will have the opportunity share information about the progress of your project with the class, instructor and peer reviews

Artifacts to be Delivered:  (electronic required and hardcopy optional)

  • Project Scope Document
  • As is Current State Analysis documentation
    • Process Flow Diagrams (without solution)
    • Data Diagrams (without solution)
    • Business Rules
  • To Be Future State Analysis documentation
    • Process Flow Diagrams (reflecting potential solution)
    • Data Diagrams (reflecting potential solution)
    • Business Rules (if changes required)
  • Design:
    • Persona(s)
    • Scenarios
    • Prototype Screen shots in a word or PDF document
    • JustinMind  (.vp) file
  • Presentation
    • PPT file

Note: Interim draft versions of the deliverables will be scheduled throughout the semester to serve as check points on your teams progress. Final version of all deliverable will be submitted on the last night of class and used to determine final grade for the project.