Temple University

Salvia Stephen

Exam 3 Planning – 6/18/2015

  • The primary material covered in the Exam will be on the Design aspects of the course with focus on the topic discussions and exercises reviewed in Classes 7 through 11.

Class 7 – Design

Class 8 – Persona/Scenario/Prototype

Class 9 – User Experience

Class 9 – Selling Your Ideas

Class 10 – Reviewing Work

–Class 11 – Summary

  • While the exam will focus on design aspects of the discussion there will be reference to the analysis tools (process flow, data entities and business rules) found in some of the questions and applied in the case portions of the exam.
  • Chapter 7 in the text book supplies a good overview of the best practices and approaches for an analyst
  • A review of chapter 6 in the text book and the class discussion on the analysis tools will also be helpful

Class 4 – Process Mapping

Class 5 – Data Mapping and Relationships

Class 6 – Business Rules and Decision Tree

  • The exam has three sections: (all multiple choice)

–1)  12 question on general knowledge of the above subject areas (mostly on Design Topics)

–2)  12 questions based on a  case review focused on the evaluation of Report designs and layouts to support the organizations Sale Activities and Tracking

–3) 16 question on a separate case review focused on the identification / evaluation of business requirements and their applicability to developing a potential estore solution.

–To prepare for the question pertaining to the two cases in the exam, review previous case work assignments and practice identifying the key process steps, data elements and business rules that would be pertinent to creating a solution.

–Overall this exam will test you skills in analyzing the information supplied in a case an applying it to a solution

Exam 2 – June 4, 2015

Exam 2 will be taken on June 4, 2015  during the last hour of class

The Exam will primarily focus on the analysis tools outlined and demonstrated in class discussions 4 –  (Process Mapping), 5 –  (Data Mapping and Relationships)  and 6  – (Business Rules and Decision Trees)  and the respective individual case assignments.

Key topic areas covered in the exam will be: Process Flows, (Swim Lane), Data Analysis (Entity Relationship) and Business Rules (Decision Tree).

Chapter 6 in the text book specifically covered the analysis tools with addition backgound information found in chapter 4.  Review of the class disucssions posted on the web site and follow up case assignments will serve as good study aids.  The Software Requirements Memory Jogger also has examples of the analysis tools and the their components.

Case Solutions can be found on the web site page: Case Assignment Solutions

Class 8 – Team Project Asssignment Due – 06/04/2015

Draft copies of your team’s As IS  analysis  defining the current state  of  your project topic


  • Swim Lane Process flow Diagram
  • Data Diagram
  • Key business rules / Decision tree (if applicable)

The goal for this portion of the project is to use the analysis tools we reviewed in class to depict the current state of the problem / opportunity that the team has chosen to pursue.  Your team will have an opportunity to make adjustments to the documents and include the final copy as part of  the final project submission.

You may submit the draft documents to me at the end of class via email or in hardcopy form, please bring a printed copy of the documents to class or a laptop to present the documents in a peer team review session.  This will be a exercise where teams pair off to share each others findings and give feedback.

Class 7 Class Agenda – 6/2/2015

Turn in case assignment due for Mortgage Program Case Study

Review Case assignment for Night Owl – Data

Class Discussion on Design and Team Exercise

Review material covered in Exam 2 – scheduled for class 8 6/4/2015

Team Project time to work on As Is analysis and deliverables