Temple University

Salvia Stephen

Class 7 Individual assignment due on 06/02/2015

Mortgage Program Case Study
Due Class 7, June 2, 2015

Read Mortgage Program Case – Business Rules

Use the Business Rule Template

The Deliverables:  Using the information provided:

1. Identify the set of business rules that The Home Mortgage Company is using to decide what interest rate and type loan (fixed or variable) to grant to an applicant for a thirty year loan.

2. Draw a Decision Tree of how The Home Mortgage Company should link these business rules to decide what rate and loan type to offer the applicant.

3. Write a list of questions (4 -5) that you want to ask Jack Jones when you go back to him with your draft rules to check if they are correct.

Class 6 Agenda – 5/28/2015

Turn in individual case assignment for Data Mapping (Night Owl Case)

Review Swim Lane Process flow case assignment

Class discussion on business rules

Team exercise on decision diagram

Review individual assignment on business rules / decision diagram due 3/10/2015

Team updates on Project Scopes to class

Team submission of project scope document

Individual assignment due on 5/28/2015 – Class 6

Data Analysis Case:  Night Owl Case link

The Deliverables:

Use the ERD Excel Template Sample to:

  1. Create a Glossary of terms from the case
  2. Identify all the data entities that the Night Owl database will need.
  3. For each entity, identify all of the attributes that must be collected.
  4. Indicate the relationships between the different entities.

Use the tool of your choice (ERD Plus, Google docs, MS Access, Word, or Sketch on Paper) to create an ER or Schema Diagram to demonstrate the releationships

Class 5 Class Agenda – 05/26/2015

Turn in the Process Flow Diagram Case

Review Exam 1

Class Discussion on Data Mapping and Relationships

Studio work will be focused on a team exercise to identify data and relationships

Review of Individual Night Owl Case assignment due Class 6 – May 28, 2015

Team Project work on Scope

Individual Assignment Due Class 5 – May 26, 2015

Swim Lane Process Flow

Develop a Swim lane process flow based on the Sales Order Case, located on the class web site. You may use one of the two Swim Lane templates  (Excel / PowerPoint) also located on the site or other templates found on the internet.

If you are having difficulty leveraging one of the template tools then you may draw and submit the swim lane process flow on paper.

Please submit the assignment in hard copy form

Class 4 Agenda – 5/21/2015

Turn in the Project Scope case assignment

Class Discussion on Process Flow Mapping

Studio work will be focused on a team exercise to develop a process map

Review of Individual Process Mapping Case assignment due Class 5 – May 26, 2015

Exam 1 scheduled for last hour of  class

Exam 1 – May 21, 2015

Exam 1 will be given on Thursday evening 5/21/2015 during the last 60 minutes of the class.

The exam will cover material in:

The four Class lecture PowerPoint Presentations:
Class 1 – Introduction to Business Analysis
Class 2 – Requirements and Stakeholders
Class 3 – Scoping a Project
Class 4 – Eliciting Requirements

Reading material found in the Seven Steps Text book
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4

Exam will be comprised of (about) 40 questions, all multiple choice with 3  sections:

General questions from all four class discussion areas listed above

A section of questions associated with sample project scope document

A section of questions associated with a sample case focused on the project stakeholders, responsibilities and objectives

Whats due for Class 4 – 5/21/2015

Individual Assignment: Project Scoping

Create a project scope document based on the Dysfunctional Warehouse case using the project scope template that can be found on the site under Tools and Templates

Reference the PowerPoint discussion deck posted for Week 3 – Project Scope

Please submit the assignment in hard copy form at the beginning of class on Tuesday evening 5/21/2015

Link to case assignment

Link to Scope template document