MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Week 06 – Cost of IT (II)

Week 6 – Cost of IT (II) – class slides and videos (UPDATED)

Week 06 – Cost of IT (II) (color).pdf

Week 06 – Cost of IT (II) (bw).pdf

Chalk Talk – Tragedy of the Commons (Part 1) – NSF (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZDjPnzoge0)

Chalk Talk – Tragedy of the Commons (Part 2) – NSF (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVwk6VIxBXg)

What Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma – Scientific American (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUTWcYXVR5w)

In-class discussion questions for Feb 20

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Feb 20. Do not post comments on this.

  • What’s the consideration and decision of Mr. Barton in terms of IT budget funding and controls? What’s his rationale?
  • If he controls the entire budget, will all the problems go away?
  • What does Maggie, Mr. Barton’s girlfriend/consultant, mean by “one neck in the noose”?
  • Suppose that you pay income tax and can live in any house you want for free! (Your government provides housing for you.) What would happen?
  • What should be “private goods” in IVK’s IT system? Who should pay for them?

Online discussion questions – Feb 16

  • There is only one person at IVK who knows how the internal IT prices are calculated. What would be the risks? How could he/she abuse the system?
  • Why is the slush fund at IVK problematic from the perspective of managerial (cost) accounting?
  • If you’re Mr. Barton, how would you make the case for new security project funding to business unit managers?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 18

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed, Feb 18. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why do they free-ride in a group project?
  • If you are asked to donate to a fire department instead of paying taxes for it, how much are you willing to donate?
  • How about others? How much will your neighbors contribute?
  • Any example of public goods?
  • What is Prisoner’s Dilemma?
  • What’s the consideration and decision of Mr. Barton in terms of IT budget funding and controls? What’s his rationale?
  • What does Maggie, Mr. Barton’s girlfriend/consultant, mean by “one neck in the noose”?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 16

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 16. Do not post comments on this.

  • Which government spending do you want to cut – military, education, highway?
  • Is there a reason not to cut military spending? Is there a reason not to cut education?
  • Who controls the IT budget at IVK?
  • On what basis do the business units at IVK pay for IT?
  • Why had Mr. Davies, the former CIO, had to set up “slush funds”? How did he secure the slash funds?
  • The slush fund is technically what? from accounting standpoint?
  • Why is Mr. John Cho requesting an immediate funding on IT security?
  • Why has the request for IT security funding kept being denied?