Strategic Management of IT – Spring 2015

MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-class discussion questions for Feb 9

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 9. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why does an IT system need maintenance? It does not become rusty!
  • On Page 58 of the textbook, it reads “we’ve run closer to 5 to 6 percent of sales on IT spending. Which, by the way, Davies thought wasn’t enough to keep IT assets from degrading over time..” Why does Mr. Davies mean by degrading?
  • If it needs to spend money in maintaining IT systems, how much does a company need to spend on it?
  • What happens with too little spending in maintenance? What happens with too much?
  • Spending in IT maintenance should depend on what?

Online discussion questions – Feb 6

  • What would be the intangible (hard-to-quantify) costs with SFO SAFE project (other than what we discussed – training, employee adjustment, work disruption)?
  • How would you quantify the benefits in reduced security risks from SFO SAFE? How would you put a dollar figure on it?
  • How would you quantify the benefits in improved service employee training from OTISLINE? How would you put a dollar figure on it?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 6

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Feb 6. Do not post comments on this.

  • What is your recommendation for SAFE Project at SFO? Go or no go?
  • How certain are you? Are you certain that everything will pan out as predicted?
  • Which assumption or prediction is most sensitive (critical)?
  • What are the problems with the ROI analysis we just did? What does this fail to account for?
  • What are the intangible (hard-to-quantify) costs? What are the unexpected costs that we need to be mindful?
  • What are the intangible (hard-to-quantify) benefits?
  • How would you quantify benefits from increased compliance? Based on what?
  • How would you quantify benefits from reduced security risks?
  • What would be the intangible (hard-to-quantify) benefits from OTISLINE? How to categorize them?

Week 5 – IT Adventures Ch. 4 and 5 – Brief Guideline

Read IT Adventures Chapter 4 and 5 and write ONE reading brief (NOT two) up to 200 words that includes both chapters.

  • What is the funding mechanism for IT at IVK? What is a chargeback? (Ch. 4)
  • How have IT portfolio and spending at IVK evolved for the last several years? (Ch. 4)
  • Describe the concepts of “Competes vs. Qualifiers” and IT Strategic Grid (Ch. 5)

Week 3 – Business Value of IT – class slides and videos (UPDATED)

Week 04 – Business Value of IT (color).pdf

Week 04 – Business Value of IT (bw).pdf

Balanced Scorecard – IntrafocusUK (

Man Arrested After Major Security Breach – ABC San Diego (

Shocking Airport Security Breach at JFK – ABC News (