Strategic Management of IT – Spring 2015

MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Apr 13

  • What should be among the preventative measures for a failure due to personal devices?
  • From IT Adventures Ch. 17,  What is Mr. Williams’ point with respect to his poker analogy?  What is Mr. Barton’s point with respect to his risk escalator analogy?
  • Did Mr. Williams make a right call by doing nothing?
  • Any other trade-off situation in risk and security management?

In-class discussion questions for Apr 15

We will discuss these questions on Wed, Apr 15. Do not post comments on this.

  • What is eChoupal? With eChoupal, what is ITC trying to accomplish?
  • How did the old supply chain of soybean work?  Who are the losers and the winners?
  • What are the “choke points” in the old supply chain of soybean?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers?
  • What is the other information from eChoupal to farmers?
  • Is ITC a charity? Why is it concerned about farmers’ lives and well-being?

Week 13 – ITC eChoupal Case – Brief Guidelines

Due by Wednesday, April 15, 10AM

  • Why was the supply chain for soybean so inefficient and how does eChoupal change it?
  • What kind of information does eChoupal provide to farmers?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers and ITC?

Your brief may not cover page 11-16, but please DO NOT SKIP to read them.

In-class discussion questions for Apr 13

We will discuss these questions on Mon, Apr 13. Do not pose comments on this.

  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of at a database? What should be among the preventative measures for a database failure?
  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of from personal devices? What should be among the preventative measures for them?
  • With rigorous security procedures and policies, we would lose what?
  • How much would it cost for CareGroup to implement all the 10 lessons?
  • Why has Mr. Williams decided to do nothing and not to disclose the incident? What was his thinking?

Week 12 – IT Risk Management (II) – class slides and videos (UPDATED)

Week 12 – Risk (color).pdf

Week 12 – Risk (bw).pdf

Air France Flight 447 – ABC Nightline (

CIO Spotlight – John Halamka – Healthcare IT News (

Electronic Medical Records – NHPTV (

Electronic Prescribing System – YouTube (

Inside the Trauma Team – MSNBC (

In-class discussion questions for Apr 10

We will discuss these questions on Fri, Apr 10. Do not pose comments on this.

  • How could manage to recover from its network collapse so fast (in jCareGroup ust 3 and ½ days) with no fatality?
  • In what respect did CareGroup do a better job than IVK did in managing the crisis?
  • What were the decisive, crucial decisions that Mr. Halamka, CIO, had made in the midst of the crisis?
  • How would you evaluate the 10 lessons learned?
  • The 10 lessons learned mostly center around the network. Are there any other IT resources that warrant similar attention, control, and management for a company to prevent a collapse?
  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of at a data center? What should be among the preventative measures for a data center failure?
  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of at a database? What should be among the preventative measures for a database failure?

In-class discussion questions for Apr 8

We will discuss these questions on Wed, Apr 8. Do not post comments on this.

  • What happened in Caregroup?
  • What does it mean by “the network collapse?” (p. 5)
  • Why and how could a failure in hospital IT systems kill a patient?
  • What caused the network collapse at CareGroup in 2002?
  • How on earth could one software program instigate the collapse of the whole network?
  • What were the compounding factors in this incident? What exacerbated it?
  • What had made CareGroup’s network so complex and vulnerable to a complete failure?