Strategic Management of IT – Spring 2015

MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-class discussion questions for Feb 23

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 23. Do not post comments on this.

  • Who are a board of directors in a corporation? What are their responsibilities?
  • Why do business firms need a board of directors?
  • What does it mean by “Separation of Governance and Management”?
  • What would happen if a CIO or IT managers receive no adult supervision or control? What if he can handle IT in any way he wants?
  • Why does Mr. Barton make a presentation in front of IVK Board of Directors? What is the objective of Mr. Barton?
  • Mr. Barton was the last presenter at the board meeting. What does it tell to the CEO and other executives?

Week 7 – IT Adventures Ch. 9 – Brief Guidelines

  • What does Mr. Barton want to tell to members of the IVK board of directors? What’s his message?
  • How did his presentation go at the board meeting? Did the board make any decision regarding IT or Mr. Barton?

Don’t forget read the slides on pages 150-153. Your brief doesn’t need to cover “Thursday, June 14, 5:38 p.m” section (page 147-149), but please do not skip to read.

Week 6 – Cost of IT (II) – class slides and videos (UPDATED)

Week 06 – Cost of IT (II) (color).pdf

Week 06 – Cost of IT (II) (bw).pdf

Chalk Talk – Tragedy of the Commons (Part 1) – NSF (

Chalk Talk – Tragedy of the Commons (Part 2) – NSF (

What Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma – Scientific American (

In-class discussion questions for Feb 20

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Feb 20. Do not post comments on this.

  • What’s the consideration and decision of Mr. Barton in terms of IT budget funding and controls? What’s his rationale?
  • If he controls the entire budget, will all the problems go away?
  • What does Maggie, Mr. Barton’s girlfriend/consultant, mean by “one neck in the noose”?
  • Suppose that you pay income tax and can live in any house you want for free! (Your government provides housing for you.) What would happen?
  • What should be “private goods” in IVK’s IT system? Who should pay for them?